To date, offshore wind has a significant share of renewable energy production in Europe. At the end of 2019, according to Eurobserv’ER, installed capacity in Europe stood at 21.8 GW. This is an increase of 16.3% over 2018. The United Kingdom (9.78 GW), Germany (7.51 GW), Denmark (1.7 GW), Belgium (1.55 GW) and the Netherlands (0.96 GW) are the most active states in the development of this energy.

The 8.2 teams are strongly committed to the development of this technology in France and Europe.

Indeed, 8.2 has had the opportunity to participate in these European projects. The experts in Group 8.2 have carried out more than 5 GW of offshore due diligence, monitored the implementation of more than 17 projects, and inspected more than 650 turbines installed at sea.

éolien offshore flottant

Regarding the French market, 8.2 France has already been involved in several projects:

  • Inspection and correction of the balourd of the first French floating turbine: Floatgen.
  • Monitoring of the factory manufacturing quality control of the 66 Haliade wind turbines of 6MW unit power by carrying out the accompaniment of the commissioning at sea throughout 2018 on the Merkur project.
  • Currently, the experts from 8.2 France perform the quality audit and follow-up of the manufacturing of the 80 Haliade wind turbines at the Saint Nazaire plant for the Guérande Bank project. Duration of the project planned until 2022, following ITP and quality inspection of the nacelle assembly workshops and E-stacks.

These experiments allowed us to validate that the profitability of offshore wind projects requires specific knowledge. Thanks to the experience developed by Group 8.2 and acquired on the main European offshore projects, we can provide our customers with valuable support with extensive skills and a pragmatic approach.

Note that all the expertise carried out on onshore turbines can potentially be applied to offshore.

We can support our customers, in particular on the following missions:

  • Quality control of the manufacture of turbines and offshore structures
  • Selection and evaluation of potential suppliers
  • Control of the specifications
  • Manufacturing and assembly controls

Eolien offshore contrôle en usine

AG site Allemand

8.2 France

1401, Avenue du Mondial 98

34000 Montpellier

Tél. 04 67 29 74 43

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